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Web Policy

Disclaimer – the DVS web site may contain links to or data from other, non-state web sites. When linking to another site, the DVS privacy components of this policy do not apply. DVS does not endorse any products or services linked from or supplied to its web site. In addition, some Virginia state agencies may have policies specific to their agency that augment or supersede this policy. While the DVS web site is intended to provide current and accurate information, neither DVS nor any of its employees, agents, agencies or officers can warranty the accuracy of information contained on the site and shall not be held liable for any losses caused on the reliance of information provided. Reliance upon information contained on these sites is done at the user’s risk.

  • Use of Cookies – the DVS web site shall not use cookies to store information. Cookies are text files stored on a computer than enhance the usability of a particular web site. A cookie can store information on a web site that will show if a user has visited it before and can pass short bits of information from the web site back to itself the next time one visits. Any information, including personal information, provided at a site may be stored in a cookie. Users’ web browsers can be configured to refuse cookies or to notify them when a web site attempts to send them a cookie. Cookie files also may be found and deleted from users’ computer hard drives.
  • Linking to other web sites – permission to link to the DVS web site is not required, but such links may not present Commonwealth web pages within frames. In addition, the web page users link to may change without notice. Sites linking to Commonwealth web pages should periodically verify those links for accuracy. In the course of providing the best service to the public, the DVS web site may provide links to content not controlled by DVS. In such cases, the link must meet one of the following criteria:
  • Link leads to a site owned by the federal government, a state government or a local government. The extension of the URL (e.g., .org, .com) does not preclude a site from being linked to, as long as the site is under the ownership of one of the entities noted.
  • Link leads to a non-profit or non-partisan organization. The extension of the URL (e.g., .org, .com) does not preclude a site from being linked to, as long as the site is under the ownership of the approved entity.
  • Link leads to additional information about government services.
  • Link leads to a web site owned by an entity that has a contractual relationship with the Commonwealth of Virginia.
  • No endorsement is intended or made of any link, product, service or information, either by its inclusion or exclusion from the DVS web site. DVS is not responsible for the content of web sites not controlled by it, nor does the Commonwealth’s privacy statement apply to external sites. Use of information obtained from such web sites is voluntary and should be independently verified.

Privacy – personal privacy of individuals visiting the DVS web site shall be maintained, and personal information shall not be recorded, unless individuals choose to provide it. However, DVS does gather and store certain information about individuals’ visits to the web site automatically, but not personally identifying information. This information shall be limited to:

  • The IP address (a number automatically assigned to users’ computers in order to browse the web) and Internet domain (e.g., “” for commercial organizations; or “” for schools and universities);
  • The type of browser and operating system used to access the DVS web site;
  • The date and time the DVS web site was accessed;
  • The pages visited; and

If the DVS web site was accessed through a link from another web site, the address of that web site.